Monday, December 27, 2010


I've done a few photo shoots in the past couple of months, but I wasn't able to share any of the photos because they were for Christmas gifts and I didn't want to spoil the surprise. (Not that anyone is really reading this blog on a regular basis, but with my luck THAT would have been the time when someone who was on the receiving end would find the post. LOL)

Anyhoo... I am going to share some of my favourites from a shoot with my own kids way back in October.  My kids are very comfortable being in front of the camera so it provides great opportunity to practice and hone my skills and technique.

More from other shoots to come...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Revisiting the Past

So I found this photo from a shoot I did for my friend waayyy back in 2006 when I had no clue how to use an SLR and was afraid of RAW so I shot only in JPEG.

Both girls are so adorable and naturally sassy.  Originally I was satisfied with my limited abilities in post-processing, but when I came across the file in my archives I decided to have another go at it.

To begin with it's a technical nightmare and a JPEG to boot... there are about a million things I would do differently if I were to shoot this same shot today, but this is what I came up with after just a few mins of tweaking in Photoshop.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Shooting the Moon

A big beautiful moon came up over the farm out behind my house the other night, so I grabbed my camera and   tripod and went out on the deck...

This is the first shot I took...

Obviously this isn't the shot I intended to get, but I thought this turned out interesting... in a that-is-really-weird-and-doesn't-look-right way.  It almost looks like the sun at night... does that make sense?

I really need to go back to my lessons on long exposures and shooting at night because I just couldn't get the shot right. I tried everything... Aperture, shutter, ISO, exposure compensation, etc.  I know the moon is difficult to shoot because it moves across the sky so quickly, but I just couldn't figure out how to get a crisp, clear shot and keep the details that the naked eye could see on the moon.  In every shot I took after this one the moon is either blown out or there is no detail in the rest of the shot because everything other than the moon is black.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Photo of the Week

I took this photo a couple of weeks ago, during a shoot with my own kids.  There will never be a photo that  reveals the true character of my children better than this... I just can't get over how much this is "them".

Monday, October 11, 2010

2nd Place

I logged on to Facebook this morning to find a pleasant surprise... One of my photos earned second place in a photo contest.  I had entered it (along with one other) and not given it another thought really, until this morning when I got the message about being the second place winner.  The entries are voted on by regular folk, and there is no "prize", other than bragging rights I suppose, but just knowing that my photo appealed to people is prize enough for me.

Crossing the Oxtongue
Dwight, ON 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A whole year????

Where does the time go???  It's been a year since I posted...  UGH.

Photo of the Week

So... a couple of days this week have ended with spectacular sunsets. The first time I was in the middle of a couple of hours worth of playing "Mom's Taxi" and, much to my despair and disappointment, I didn't get any photos.  The following night however, as you can see, I was much better prepared. I had been watching the sky all afternoon and had a really good hunch that SOMETHING was going to happen...

Obviously, it pays to be prepared.
I wonder when I'll learn that lesson? *sigh*